Create Mirror


Create Mirror ( Ref24.PNG ) will create a mirror component for you to place in the drawing.

  1. Select the Create Mirror icon: ( Image:Ref24.PNG )
  2. Set the mirror parameters
  3. Click Create and Place to place the mirror in your drawing


  • Mirror type - only rectangular is available at this time.
  • Reflection Percentage - 95% or 100% is usually good.
  • Height, Width - outside dimensions of frame.
  • Frame Width - width between the outside of the frame and the mirror itself.
  • Frame Thickness. The frame will extend in front of the mirror by this amount/
  • Frame Color - color of frame
  • Mirror Color - any special color for the mirror - default white.
  • Lighting Settings - ignore these for mirrors.
  • Create/Place - create a component for your mirror and place it in the model.

Mirror created with these settings


See also