Ingrid Smyth Garden Design - Case Study

Rendering with IRender nXt for SketchUp: A Visual Reference Clients Understand

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This case study features Ingrid Smyth from Dublin, Ireland. Ingrid has designed and overseen the construction of private gardens of all sizes, gardens for residential care homes and commercial projects.

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Green is the word – The National Botanic Gardens, Dublin

Hello Ingrid! Tell us a little about you and your company.
Ingrid Smyth Garden Design (ISGD) is a design and plant focused service. My past experience in design was honed as a designer and company associate with a prominent architectural firm and my continued passion for plants and materials constantly informs the work I do.

When did you start using SketchUp and IRender nXt?
I started using Sketchup pro in 2017 and IRender two years ago in 2022. I chose IRender to work alongside Sketchup Pro as they were SketchUp.

What do you like about IRender nXt?
I think it's important to provide clients with a high-quality visual reference of how their finished garden could look once constructed. Not everyone understands plans, elevations and sections, but everyone understands a visual reference. I especially like the shadow feature to show where sunlight and shadows fall within a garden.

What elements do you pay most attention to when rendering?
Materials and planting are very important in my line of work.

Please give us some background on a recent project you’ve done for which you’ve produced renderings using IRender nXt.
This project is a high-end apartment development on the coast of Dublin. The estate agent used the rendered images to show potential purchasers what the open spaces around the development would look like once it was completed. It was also useful for the contractors who were building the open spaces to show how I wanted it to look.

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What feedback do you receive from clients on the renderings you present? 
All clients appreciate the extra effort to provide rendered images with a range of views taken around the garden.

…and tell us anything else you think might be of interest. 
Being able to render a view towards a garden from inside (with the window glass layer switched off) is really helpful. I rarely use hi-res resolution due to file size. I usually use 150dpi and this is perfect for my needs.

Thank you, Ingrid! Thanks for taking time out to talk with us during this busy season for garden designers!

For more visit Ingrid Smyth Garden Design
For more information on IRender nXt for SketchUp
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