Rimas Interiors - Case Study

Simple to Use, Quality Results: Rendering with ArielVision

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This case study features Ayesha Imandin from Durban, South Africa. Ayesha is a qualified Interior Designer and works at Rimas Interiors.

Durban, named after British governor Sir Benjamin D'Urban in 1835, is located on the east coast of South Africa and is the third largest city in the country. Durban is one of the greenest cities in the world as determined by the Husqvarna Urban Green Space Index.

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Architectural style - the Moses Mabhida Stadium, Durban, built for the 2010 World Cup

Hello Ayesha! Tell us a little about Rimas.
Rimas imports, designs, and manufactures residential interior furniture, so we get to see our designs being brought to life.

What sets Rimas apart from others in your niche?
Our strong point is manufacturing. We have really high standards that we follow, and we use machinery from all over the world to assist with this execution.

The drawings we do need to be as close and realistic to the finished product as possible but also need to be done pretty quick as we divide our time between other aspects of manufacturing and can’t only focus on drawing.

When did you start using SketchUp and ArielVision?
We have been using SketchUp for probably 10 years or so and maybe a year or two after that we started using ArielVision. Before SketchUp drawing programs were expensive and a lot more complicated. We used to use Planet Fusion but it had restrictions as to how much we could design. SketchUp allows us to achieve a lot more. We still use AutoCAD to assist our machinery in creating cutting and door details in factory, but presentation drawings are done solely with SketchUp.

Why did you choose ArielVision?
SketchUp was not around when I was studying so I self-taught myself the programme and had to experiment with the plugins to find the right rendering programme for me. I stumbled across ArielVision and ended up loving the simplicity of use and the quality of the end results.

What do you like about ArielVision?
Lighting add ins are super easy and when you learn how to tweak the lighting to work for your different applications it becomes a breeze.

What elements do you pay most attention to when rendering?
The correct colour finishes and end finishes of reflection in products.

Please give us some background on a recent project you’ve done for which you’ve produced renderings using ArielVision.
We work on several projects at a time. Recently I designed a kitchen for a high-profile client and he was very excited when he viewed the presentation and opted to take the kitchen as is! The great rendering quality assisted us in not having to sit through another meeting to select finishes. The kitchen is being installed currently. Here are some of the renderings for the project.

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What feedback do you receive from clients on the renderings you present? 
We have a very high confirmation rate with clients when designs are pitched, I’d estimate upwards of 95%. In fact, sometimes we design without having signed a client because we know our chances are higher of getting the job when the client sees the vision come to life.

…and tell us anything else you think might be of interest. 
It would be handy if there was a training programme available for those wanting to learn ArielVision. There is no standard followed in the industry and many universities do not teach these applications.

Thank you, Ayesha!

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