IRender Image Tab
Image Tab

Auto Image
- Autosave Image every few passes - if XXX is greater than 0, then a copy of your rendering will be saved after each XXX passes. (The image is saved in the folder used in the Image name below. The default is "My Docments\IRender")
- Image name - Specifies the name to use for the image.
- Auto Image is a feature in IRender nXt which will automatically save an image of your rendering when it is complete. This is useful, because it you start a rendering in the background, and inadvertently close SketchUp without realizing that the rendering is complete, then the rendering will be lost. Auto Image can be used to automatically save the image on disk when it is completed.
- Use Auto Image - turns on the use of Auto Image
- If you check Auto Image, then an image is automatically saved whenever you complete a rendering.
Image Format
- Note PNG can either be normal or transparent.
- Note: JPEG can contain non visible comments to record your rendering settings at the time that you save the image.
Image Settings
- You can choose to:
- always use (and overwrite) the same image name,
- always use (and overwrite) a name based on the name of your model
- create a unique name each time you render.
- Automatically name image - Uses the current drawing name for the image name.
- Make name unique - If the image name already exists, this setting will create a new unique name for the image. This allows you to enable auto-image and have copies of all your renderings automatically saved on the disk.
Action when Auto Image saved

- Notify when done - Loads a dialog when the rendering is complete.
- Launch imagewhen done - Launches the image in a paint program when done.
- Close Window - Close the rendering application when done.
JPEG Images
JPEG images
- JPEG Image Quality - set quality for JPEG images (vs compression)
- Move very close to the right for best results.
- Recommend the highest quality setting (default).
- See: JPEG Quality
- Always add comments after saving image
- You will be prompted for comments to save with the JPEG image.
- Edit/Query - load a JPEG image to view or edit precious comments.
Setup Options
The Setup Options dialog is the interface for rendering settings in IRender nXt. Options are grouped in the following tabs:
Presets | Lighting Presets, SketchUp on/off (Sun, Sky, Ground), Sky mode, Ambient Light, Light Balance, Other Settings |
Render | Image Size, Stop Rendering After, Rendering Engine, Make Panoramic Image, Color Rendering Mode, Autosave, Lights Processed per Pass, Maximum Texture Size, Use Section Planes, Processing Parameters, Show Settings |
Styles | Auto Reflection, View Wizard, Batch Rendering Settings |
Lights | Light Balance, Ambient Light, Use Indirect Lighting, Light Balancer (channels) |
Sky | SketchUp Sun and Sky on/off, Sky [color] mode, Illumination, Automatic Sky, Sun and Sky Intensity, Ground Plane |
HDRi | High Dynamic Range image (HDRi) Settings |
Background | Background Image |
Foreground | Foreground Image |
Plants | IRender nXt Plants, Render Plants as 2D Images, Plant Layers to Display |
Fog/Haze | Volumetric Fog, Calculation Boundary |
Special | Edge Lines, Process 2 sided faces, RPC Objects, Other |
Image | Save Image Automatically, Auto image format, Auto Image, Action when done, JPEG images |
More | Number of Threads to use for Rendering, Save Option Values, Load Option Values from, Sync SketchUp Materials to Default Materials |