Styles Tab
Styles Management in IRender nXt
The Styles Tab lets you define and save settings that can be used with any model.
Auto Reflection
- Auto Reflection helps you more efficiently manage materials. It uses pattern matching in material names to automatically set reflection values.
- For example, once you have set reflection values for porcelain in one model, use Auto Reflection. Add porcelain to the list, then add your own preset values for Reflection, Sharpness, Index of Refraction, Metallic, and Bump. Whenever Auto Reflection is checked for any model, your preset values for porcelain will be applied automatically for renderings.
- See: Auto Reflection
View Wizard
- Load and Save Views from any rendered images and models.
- Specify a different view for rendering, other than the current SketchUp view.
- See: View Wizard
Batch Rendering Settings
- Batch Rendering is a rendering method that is used to render the model in a stand-alone process (outside of SketchUp).
Setup Options
The Setup Options dialog is the interface for rendering settings in IRender nXt. Options are grouped in the following tabs:
Presets | Lighting Presets, SketchUp on/off (Sun, Sky, Ground), Sky mode, Ambient Light, Light Balance, Other Settings |
Render | Image Size, Stop Rendering After, Rendering Engine, Make Panoramic Image, Color Rendering Mode, Autosave, Lights Processed per Pass, Maximum Texture Size, Use Section Planes, Processing Parameters, Show Settings |
Styles | Auto Reflection, View Wizard, Batch Rendering Settings |
Lights | Light Balance, Ambient Light, Use Indirect Lighting, Light Balancer (channels) |
Sky | SketchUp Sun and Sky on/off, Sky [color] mode, Illumination, Automatic Sky, Sun and Sky Intensity, Ground Plane |
HDRi | High Dynamic Range image (HDRi) Settings |
Background | Background Image |
Foreground | Foreground Image |
Plants | IRender nXt Plants, Render Plants as 2D Images, Plant Layers to Display |
Fog/Haze | Volumetric Fog, Calculation Boundary |
Special | Edge Lines, Process 2 sided faces, RPC Objects, Other |
Image | Save Image Automatically, Auto image format, Auto Image, Action when done, JPEG images |
More | Number of Threads to use for Rendering, Save Option Values, Load Option Values from, Sync SketchUp Materials to Default Materials |